SHYAMNAGAR PIRTALA RAOD NATYABITAN having its registered office 97/2, Pirtala Road, Shyamnagar, 24 Parganas North , Pin 743127, West Bengal, which is at a distance of about 30Km. from Kolkata metro city, has been devoted to the theatre performances since 2015 and performed through all over West Bengal. The team consists of some very interested and passionate unemployed youth who present themselves for regular practice/ rehearsal along with students and some senior men and women. This institution, besides regular theatre performances also take part in various social awareness programs through street drama, performance of skit in school and conduct theatre workshop and function in school. SHYAMNAGAR PIRTALA RAOD NATYABITAN has received the certificate of Registration from Registrar of Firms, Societies and Non- Trading Corporations (under West Bengal Act XXVI of 1961), Govt. of West Bengal being no. S/2L/No.62981 of 2016-2017 dated 27/01/2017. Since his registration SHYAMNAGAR PIRTALA RAOD NATYABITAN has been constantly producing some good works, which have been which have drawn the attention of theatre loving people all across the state and received accolades from audience.
A lot of young players don't really know much about the history of the game and a lot of them are missing out on what the game is all about, especially the whole concept of sportsmanship and teamwork.